Two smiling Christian Secondary School school captains


Unique Features of Our Secondary Christian School

You might appreciate these unique features of our Secondary School:

Qualified & Committed Christian Teachers

During the secondary years, our qualified and committed Christian teachers offer meaningful academic experiences that allow student-directed inquiry. Our teaching approach encourages our students to think for themselves and ask questions to deepen their understanding and awareness of the wider world around them. With this in mind, we aim to prepare them for a full, happy, and enriching life beyond our school community.

Homeroom Teachers Provide Personal Welfare Support

Students are thankful for homeroom teachers who provide personal welfare support. Our homeroom teachers interact with students daily on an individual level and are on hand to listen to concerns or to address any issues or problems that might face the student cohort under their care. They have the skills and experience to offer the support our students need to feel happy and safe at school.

Service-Learning Opportunities

Students engage in service-learning opportunities, including mission and service trips. These opportunities are a fantastic way of encouraging our students to learn more about the wider world and to provide meaningful support to those who are vulnerable or in need. We also find these experiences are a fantastic way of helping our students deepen their skills of initiative, proactivity and independence.

Careers Support Guidance Program

At Medowie Christian School, students are given career support through a guidance program. Through our program, we work closely with students to help them identify their skills and aptitudes. Using this information, we help them narrow down potential careers that might meet their interests and provide opportunities for them to deepen their skills and learn new ones.

Skills To Navigate Life Beyond Secondary School

Teachers work hard to instill in students the competencies to navigate an uncertain future and to shape their own lives beyond school. Life doesn't end after school, and our experienced, dedicated staff are on hand to give students the academic and welfare support they need to discover who they are and what they have to offer the world. We aim to equip each of our students with confidence to truly embrace their future and their potential.

Opportunity To Study Different Topics & Develop Leadership Skills

Students are given the opportunity to study different topics, develop their leadership skills and prepare for the Higher School Certificate (HSC). Our curriculum provides great opportunities for learning and growth through its diverse subject matter. Through our curriculum, we encourage our students to recognise and embrace their potential as leaders and initiators in the community at large.

Young people should emerge from school able to empathise with people, understand the nuances of social interaction, stretch beyond what's considered normal in the pursuit of a goal and approach challenges with courage.

Opportunities at Secondary School

Why choose Medowie Christian School?

At Medowie Christian School, our students truly come first. Using our Christian values as our foundation, we do our best to ensure every student who comes to us feels appreciated and cared for and is given every opportunity to recognise and harness their academic and personal potential. Our team of experienced, dedicated teachers provide the instruction and nurturing our students need to feel supported in every way, to grow in their spiritual, academic, social and physical wellbeing, and to embrace a life of service and excellence that extends beyond our school environment. We do our very best to help our students thrive.

As a K-12 co-educational school, we provide opportunities for students to learn and grow at every stage of their development. Our Prep students engage in exciting, creative play-based learning to help prepare them for school and to nurture their skills of intuition and a sense of wonder and discovery. Under the care of our experienced Primary School teachers, our children are given every opportunity to flourish and grow into their own independent people with the capacities to learn and contribute to the world around them. These opportunities only increase as students move into Secondary School, with our dedicated and passionate staff encouraging them to make their own choices, harness their interests and potential, and develop their self-awareness to help them prepare for life outside of school.

Looking to Enrol Your Children In Our Secondary Christian School?

If this sounds like the type of secondary school where your child might thrive, please book below for our next Principals Tour. We are truly passionate about helping each one of our students become the best person they can be. If Medowie Christian School sounds like the perfect place for your child to learn, grow and thrive, or if you have more questions about us and about what we offer, get in touch or book in for our next Principal's Tour. We look forward to meeting you.

Principal's Tour

Meet our principal while touring the campus

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